True Health in Heaven
Faith (Trust)
We will fully trust God because all His promises will have been fulfilled. (Isa 46:9,10)
We will fully trust God because we witnessed the full consequences of sin. (Na 1:7-9)
We will fully trust God because we will see Him as He is. (1Co 13:12, 1Jn 3:2, Rev 21:3, Rev 22:4)
There will be no liers and, therefore, no deception and, therefore, no place for mistrust. (Rev 21:8,27)
We will enjoy the gift of eternal life. (Ps 37:29, Isa 66:22)
We will be happy. (Ps 16:11, Isa 51:3,11, Isa 65:18,19, Rev 21:4)
We will enjoy perfect health. (Isa 35:5,6, Rev 21:4)
We will be free from guilt because our past will be forgiven and forgotten. (Ps 25:7, Isa 38:17, Isa 43:18,25, Isa 55:7, Isa 65:17, Jer 31:34, Eze 33:16, Mic 7:18,19, Col 2:12,13, Heb 8:12)
Love (Relationships)
We will retain our personal identity and character. (Job 19:25-27, Mt 8:11, Lk 9:28-30)
We will be reunited with our deceased children. (Jer 31:15-17)
We will be spiritually "married" to Jesus. (Rev 21:2)
We will dwell with God. (Rev 21:3)
We will be God's children. (Rev 21:7)
We will be one nation, with no more separation by seas. (Rev 21:1)
We will build houses, plant vineyards, and long enjoy the work of our hands. (Isa 65:21-23)
We will not become tired, as evidenced by the absence of night. (Rev 21:25)
We will gather together to worship God every Sabbath. (Isa 66:23)
The environment will be free from the curse of sin. (Isa 55:12,13, Ro 8:21, Rev 22:3)
The environment will be peaceful and safe. (Isa 11:6-9, Isa 35:8,9, Isa 60:18)
The environment will be a paradise. (Isa 35:1,6,7, Rev 2:7)
The environment will be better than we can imagine. (Isa 64:4, 1Co 2:9)
God will be the living water. (Rev 22:1)
God will be the light. (Isa 60:19, Rev 21:23, Rev 22:5)
We will eat the fruit and leaves of the tree of life. (Rev 2:7, Rev 22:2)
We will eat the fruit of the vineyards we plant. (Isa 65:21)
We will receive the water of life freely. (Rev 7:17, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:17)
There will be no harmful things. (Isa 65:25, Mt 6:20, 2Pe 3:13, Rev 21:27)
We will be pure and righteous. (Rev 7:9-14, Rev 19:7-9)
God will restore everything to true health. (Isa 65:17-25, 1Pe 1:4, Rev 21:1-5, Rev 22:1-7)