True Health First Steps
We are living in unprecedented times.
The long-term consequences of living contrary to God's perfect will are being dramatically demonstrated on a global scale.
Disease and suffering were not part of God's original plan in Eden. (Ge 1:31)
Disease and suffering are not part of God's future plan in Heaven. (Rev 21:4)
God warned of pestilences in the blessings and curses announced to Israel. (Dt 28:15,21,60,61)
Jesus foretold of pestilences in the last days. (Mt 24:7)
Disease and suffering are the natural result of disrespecting God's loving, protective laws. (Gal 6:7)
God, being just, allows people to exercise their own free will to follow Him or not. (Jos 24:15)
When in true harmony and unity with God, we are protected from disease and suffering. (Ex 15:26, Dt 7:11-15, Ps 91:1-16)
People everywhere need to take first steps toward true health. (Jn 4:23)
The first steps are the most important.
Start on the right path.
True health is not a new path. (Ecc 1:9,10, 1Jn 2:7)
True health is an ancient path, that needs to be restored. (Isa 58:12, Isa 61:4)
We cannot trust our navigation. (Pr 14:12)
We cannot trust other people's navigation. (Mic 7:5)
We cannot trust our feelings. (Jer 17:9, Mk 7:20-23)
We cannot trust our imagination. (Jer 7:24)
We cannot trust our dreams. (Jer 29:8)
We cannot trust our thoughts. (Isa 55:8,9)
We cannot trust our strength. (Zec 4:6, 2Co 12:9,10)
We cannot trust the majority way. (Mt 7:13,14, Ro 3:3,4)
We cannot trust tradition. (Mk 7:5-13)
We cannot trust what is popular/fashionable. (Ro 12:2)
We cannot trust what is politically correct. (Jn 12:42,43, Ac 5:27-29, Tit 1:14)
We cannot trust worldly wisdom. (Ps 1:1 counsel of the ungodly, 1Co 1:19,20, 1Co 2:5, 1Co 3:19,20, Isa 44:25)
We cannot trust worldly teachers. (Jer 17:5, 2Ti 4:3,4)
We cannot trust worldly science. (Ps 14:1, Isa 8:20, 1Ti 6:20,21)
We cannot trust worldly religions. (Mt 23:1-3, 2Ti 3:1-5)
Believe and Trust in God.
We must believe and trust in God. (Ps 127:1, Pr 3:5,6, Mic 6:8, Jn 7:18, Heb 11:6)
God is the Creator and Designer. (Ge 1:1,27)
God is the Sustainer. (Ac 17:28)
Follow Jesus.
Jesus is God the Son. (Mt 1:22,23, Lk 1:31,32)
Apart from Jesus, we are apart from God the Father. (Jn 10:30, Jn 15:23)
Jesus is the Ultimate Power. (Mt 28:18, Heb 1:3, Heb 12:2, Rev 1:8)
Apart from Jesus, we have no power. (Dt 8:3, Jn 15:5, Ac 3:12-16, Ac 4:9,10)
Jesus is our Saviour. (Mt 1:21, Jn 3:16, Ac 5:30,31, 1Jn 4:14)
Jesus wants to give us true health. (Jn 10:10, Heb 7:25)
Jesus wants us to see the right path. (Jn 8:12, Rev 3:18)
Jesus wants us to follow Him. (Mt 11:28-30, Jn 14:6, Ps 85:12,13, Jn 10:27, Jn 12:26)
In Jesus, all of God's promises are sure. (2Co 1:19,20, Jos 23:14, Ps 89:34, Ro 4:21, Heb 10:23, Rev 21:5)
Follow the Bible.
The Bible is God's word. (1Th 2:13)
The Bible is truth. (Nu 23:19, Ps 119:160, Jn 17:17, Jn 18:37, Tit 1:2, Heb 6:17,18)
The Bible is a light for our path. (Ps 119:105,130)
The Bible is powerful. (Heb 4:12)
The Bible's Old and New Testaments are God's two witnesses. (Jn 5:39, Rev 1:1-3, Rev 11:3-12)
God magnifies His word to the highest height. (Ps 138:2 last part, Mt 24:35)
We are to know God's word. (1Ti 2:4 the truth)
We are to understand God's word. (Isa 28:9,10, Jn 16:12-14, 1Co 14:33, 2Ti 2:15)
We are to teach God's word. (1Pe 4:11 first part, Isa 55:10,11, Eph 6:17 second part)
We are not to deviate from God's word. (Dt 4:2, Dt 12:32, Ps 12:6,7, Pr 30:6, Rev 22:18,19)
Without prophetic revelation ("vision"), we would perish. (Pr 29:18 vision, 2Pe 1:19-21 sure word of prophecy, a light that shineth in a dark place)
Vision - "In Scripture, a revelation from God; an appearance or exhibition of something supernaturally presented to the minds of the prophets, by which they were informed of future events. Such were the visions of Isaiah, of Amos, of Ezekiel, etc." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)
The Bible brings health. (Ps 107:20 He sent His word and healed us., Pr 4:20-22 His word is health to all our flesh.)
True health is our birthright.
True health is our birthright. (compare Jer 29:11 and 3Jn 1:2)
Is true health something to treat lightly? (compare Ge 25:29-34 despised his birthright)
Despise - "To contemn; to scorn; to disdain; to have the lowest opinion of." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)
Are you ready for true health? (Jn 16:12)
Are you ready to advance on the true health journey? (Jn 16:13,14)
This journey consists of many small steps. (Lk 16:10)
True health begins in your heart. (Jer 29:13, Pr 4:23, Eze 36:26, Heb 8:10)