True Health Introduction
True health is a top priority. (3Jn 1:2)
True health is more than physical health. (Ro 14:17, 1Ti 4:8)
True health includes mental health. (Pr 15:13, Pr 17:22, 2Ti 1:7)
True health includes spiritual health. (Eph 5:18, Eph 6:11,12)
God created us as an indivisible unity of body, mind, and spirit. (Ge 1:27, Dt 6:4, Jn 4:24, 1Th 5:23, 1Jn 4:2,3)
Our physical, mental, and spiritual aspects are intimately inter-twined, inter-related, and inter-responsive. (compare Lk 2:52 wisdom (mental), stature (physical), favour with God and people (spiritual))
True health is wholistic (whole-istic) / systemic. (Mk 5:34 Your faith has made you whole., Jn 5:6 Wilt thou be made whole?)
True health is more than adequate health. (Isa 40:31)
True health includes abundant health. (Jn 10:10 second part)
True health includes freedom from disease. (Ex 23:25)
True health includes freedom from heavy burdens. (Mt 11:28-30)
True health includes freedom from sin. (Jn 8:34-36, Ac 3:19, 1Jn 3:4-6)
True health includes long life. (Ex 20:12, Ex 23:26, Dt 5:33, Dt 6:1,2, 1Ki 3:14, Ps 91:16, Pr 3:1,2, Eph 6:1-3)
True health includes meaningful purpose. (Ro 8:28 last part, 2Ti 1:9)
True health is more than temporal health. (2Co 4:18)
True health is saving health. (Ps 67:1,2)
True health includes eternal life. (Mt 16:26, Lk 20:37,38)
As such, true health is more valuable than all else. (Mt 13:44, Mt 13:45,46)
True health is more than personal health. (Mk 10:44,45, Ro 12:10, 1Co 10:24)
True health includes family health. (1Ti 5:8)
True health includes church health. (1Co 12:26,27)
True health includes community health. (Mt 5:16)
True health includes national health. (2Ch 7:14, Ps 33:12, Pr 14:34)
True health includes world health. (Isa 11:9)
True health includes universal health. (Eph 1:10)
Like everything else in God's creation, we are designed to benefit others.
We do our part through humble service. (Mt 20:27,28)
True health rescues others. (Isa 58:6, Pr 31:8,9, Jer 22:3, Mt 18:12,13 Jesus, 1Jn 5:14-16 via prayer)
True health helps others. (Isa 58:7, Pr 31:20 virtuous woman, Ac 10:38 Jesus, Ac 20:35, Php 2:3,4, Mt 25:31-40)
True health forgives others. (Mt 18:33, Eph 4:32, Col 3:13)
True health requires teamwork. (Mt 12:25)
God is the true health team Leader. (Ex 15:26 I am the LORD that healeth thee.)
True health is trust in God. (Ps 91:1-16, Ps 125:1, Pr 3:7,8, Isa 26:1-4)
True health lets God lead. (Isa 30:21, Isa 58:11, Mt 16:24, Lk 21:14,15)
We do our part through humble cooperation. (Mic 6:8 walk humbly with God, 1Co 3:9 co-labourers with God)
Examples: Naaman the Syrian (2Ki 5:7-16 Now I know there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel.)
Examples: Hezekiah (2Ki 20:5-7 God healed him using a simple figs poultice.)
Examples: lame man at temple gate (Ac 3:1-13 not by our own power or holiness)
Like everything else in God's creation, we are designed to work with others.
Our true health team is the family of God. (Mt 12:46-50 all who do God's will, Eph 2:19-22 household of God)
True health focuses on prevention. (Eze 3:17,20,21, Ex 20:3-5,7,13-17, Lev 11:1-3, Lev 11:9, Lev 11:27-33, Dt 22:8, Dt 23:12,13, Pr 2:11,12, Pr 6:27,28, Eze 33:2-9, 1Co 4:14, Heb 11:7)
True health sees symptoms. (Gal 5:19-21)
True health addresses root causes. (Pr 26:2, Gal 6:7)
True health includes restoration. (Lev 26:10, Isa 58:11,12, Isa 42:22,23, Isa 51:3, Isa 61:4, Jer 6:16, Am 9:14,15, Lk 6:9,10, Lk 19:8,9, Gal 6:1, Jas 5:20)
True health does not immediately cancel the consequences of our past mistakes. (Gal 6:8, Ps 38:3-5)
However, it will continually lessen and eventually remove all harm. (Jer 33:4-6, 2Co 5:17, Mt 19:26) (Isa 35:4-6, 1Co 15:52,53, Rev 21:4)
True health does not stop persecution by our enemies (direct and indirect). (2Ti 3:12, Gal 4:29)
However, it will continually bless our enemies and eventually remove their harm. (Mt 5:43-45) (Isa 11:9)
Although true health takes time (Ecc 3:1-3, Isa 40:31, Ro 12:12), it is continually progressive (2Co 3:18, 2Co 6:2).
True health includes true education. (Ex 34:7, Dt 6:6,7, Ps 78:1-7, Pr 22:6, Mt 19:14, Eph 6:4)
True education develops a personal relationship with Jesus. (Jn 17:3, Hag 2:7 desire of all nations, Jn 12:32,33)
True education develops godly character, restoring the image of God in us. (Ps 4:2-5, Ps 12:1, Ps 23:3, Isa 49:6, Jer 30:17, Ro 8:29, Ro 12:2, 2Co 3:18, Eph 4:11-13, 2Pe 1:4)
True education develops practical, business skills. (1Th 4:11,12)
True education trains for missionary work. (Ps 96:2,3, Ps 105:1, Isa 6:8, Mk 13:10, Jn 17:18, Rev 14:6)
True health is revealed from and consistent with the written truth, the Bible. (Nu 23:19, Ps 119:160, Pr 4:20-22, Jn 17:17, Jn 18:37, Tit 1:2, Heb 6:17,18)
True health is revealed from and consistent with the standard of truth, God's laws. (Ps 119:142,151, Isa 8:20)
God's physical, mental, and moral laws are all manifestations, in His creation, of His just and loving character.
True health is harmony with God's laws. (Dt 4:5,6,40, Dt 7:12-15, Pr 3:1,2, Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12, Rev 22:14)
All of God's laws are health laws.
True health is revealed from and consistent with the Living Truth, Jesus. (Jn 14:6)
True health is found in Jesus. (Mal 4:2 compare Ps 84:11, Mt 4:23, Jn 10:10 second part, Jn 15:4-6, Lk 4:18, 1Co 1:30, Gal 2:20, 1Pe 2:24)
True health glorifies God. (1Co 10:31, 1Co 6:19,20)
True health is the central theme of the three angels' messages. (Rev 14:6,7)
True health bears much fruit. (Jn 15:5,8, Mt 13:3-8, Gal 5:22,23, Eph 5:9)
True health is simple. (2Co 11:3, Mt 18:3,4)
True health is accessible to all people. (Jn 6:37,40, Jn 7:37, 2Pe 3:9)
True health is a gift from God. (Ecc 3:13, Ecc 5:18,19, Mt 7:11, Jn 4:10, Ro 6:23, Gal 2:21, Eph 2:8)
True health is a daily practice. (Lk 11:3, 2Co 4:16, Jas 1:22-25)
True health is spoken. (Eph 4:15)
True health is lived. (Jn 3:21 doeth truth)
True health is a crucial personal choice. (Jos 24:14,15)