
Environment is the pillar of contextual health. (Lev 26:3-6)

Our environment includes physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.

We have a relationship with all of creation. (Ro 14:7)

We are affected by our environment. (Ps 144:11,12, Pr 29:2)

We affect our environment. (Ex 20:5,6)

We are to be in the world but not of the world. (Jn 1:45,46, Jn 15:19, Jn 17:11,14,15)

We are to trust God and follow His will, rather than our own will. (Mt 6:10, Mt 26:39,42,44, Col 3:1,2, Jas 4:15)

We are to trust God and follow His will, rather than the world's will. (Ro 12:2, Jas 4:4, 1Jn 2:15-17)

We are not to accept evil. (Ex 23:32,33, Ex 34:12,15,16, Ro 12:21, 2Th 3:3, Jas 4:7)

Accept - "To take or receive what is offered, with a consenting mind; to receive with approbation or favor." (Webster's Dictionary 1828, emphasis supplied)

Approbation - "Attestation; support; that is, active approbation or action in favor of what is approved." (Webster's Dictionary 1828, emphasis supplied)

Compare the mark of the beast: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand [action], or in their foreheads [consent]." (Rev 13:16)

We are to cry out against evil. (Eze 9:4, Eph 5:11-13) (compare Mt 14:1-10)

We are to actively advocate for positive change. (Ps 82:3,4, Isa 58:6, Jer 22:3, Am 5:24, Mt 5:13-16, Jn 16:8)

Ultimately, we are to separate ourselves and our families from evil. (Am 3:3, 2Co 6:14-17, Rev 18:4)

True environmental health integrates physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.

Physical environment

We are stewards of the earth.  Family in Nature

We are stewards of the earth. (Ge 1:26, Ps 8:4-8, Heb 2:6-8)

God is good to all and His tender mercies are over all his works. (Ps 145:9)

All of God's creatures were originally in harmony with us. (Ge 1:30,31, Ge 2:19,20)

Since the fall, some creatures became violent (carnivorous), killing and eating other creatures. (Ge 4:6,7 sin "lieth" (like a crouching predator), Ge 6:11-13, Ro 8:20-22)

Since the flood, all creatures instinctively fear us. (Ge 9:1,2)

We are to take care of our domesticated animals. (Dt 22:1-4, Ps 50:13,14, Pr 12:10, Pr 27:23, Jnh 4:11 last part, Lk 14:5) (compare Jas 3:7)

In the future kingdom of God, harmony among all of God's creatures will be restored. (Isa 11:6-9, Eph 1:10, Rev 5:13)

In the future kingdom of God, our original dominion will be restored. (Mic 4:7,8 first dominion, Mt 5:5, Rev 21:1-3,7)

We are to protect the earth from pollutants, such as poisons, toxins, and explosives. (Rev 11:18)

We are to cultivate sustainable resources (solar, wind, water, and magnetic power) (composting, recycling). (Pr 13:23, Pr 18:9, Jn 6:11,12)

Each family is to own their own land in the country.

God owns all the land. (Ex 19:5, Lev 25:23-27, Dt 10:14, 1Ch 29:11, Job 41:11, Ps 24:1, Ps 50:10-12, Ps 89:11, 1Co 10:26)

We are not to live in crowded cities. (Isa 5:8)

Each family is to own their own land in the country. (Ge 13:14,15 compare Gal 3:29, Ex 20:12 5th commandment last part, Lev 27:24, Nu 33:54, Dt 19:14, Ps 37:29, Eze 47:22,23)

We are to care for and cultivate our land. (Ge 2:8,15, Ex 23:10,11, Lev 25:1-5, Mk 4:28)

We are to grow our own healthy vegetables. (Ge 1:29, Jer 29:5)

We are to grow our own healthy fruits. (Ge 2:16,17, Ecc 2:5, Isa 65:21)

We are to get clean water from our own well. (Pr 5:15)

We are to be safe from the beasts of the field. (Ex 23:28-30)

We are to benefit from the beauty and wonder of nature. (Ps 19:1-3, Ro 1:20)

We are to live in a healthy home environment.

Our home is not to contain mold. (Lev 14:40-45, Dt 28:15,22 curses)

Therefore, our home needs fresh, clean air.

Plants take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Plants filter toxins from the air.

Therefore, our home needs plentiful sunlight.

Therefore, our home needs to be kept clean. (Dt 23:14)

We are to care for our body.

Our body is our most immediate, personal environment.

We are to practice personal hygiene. (compare: Ge 35:2, Dt 23:12,13 and 3Jn 1:2)

We are not to mark our body. (Lev 19:28)

We are not to wear ornaments. (Ex 33:5,6)

We are to wear healthy clothes.

Our clothing is our second most immediate, personal environment.

Our clothes should promote healthy circulation. (Lev 17:11,14)

Therefore, to allow healthy blood flow, our clothes should not be tight.

Therefore, to equalize circulation, our clothes should cover our limbs.

Our clothes should protect us from the sun. (Rev 7:16, Rev 16:8)

Our clothes should be modest. (Pr 11:22, Pr 31:25, Jer 4:30, 1Ti 2:9,10, 1Pe 3:3,4, 1Pe 5:5)

Our clothes should be kept clean. (compare: Ge 35:2 and Ex 19:10)

There is more to environmental health than the physical environment.

Mental environment

We are to maintain a clean heart/mind.

We are to maintain a clean heart/mind. (Ps 51:10 first part, 1Co 2:16, 2Co 10:5)

We are to remain sober minded. (1Th 5:6, Tit 2:2, 1Pe 1:13, 1Pe 4:7, 1Pe 5:8)

We are to live in a peaceful home environment.

Our home is to be tranquil. (Isa 32:17,18, Jn 14:1,27, 1Pe 5:7)

Tranquility includes space rather than clutter. (Ecc 3:6, Lk 12:15)

Our home is to be orderly. (1Co 14:33,40)

Our home is to be respectful. (Pr 16:24, Pr 25:24, Mal 4:5,6, Eph 5:21, Eph 6:4, Col 3:21)

Our home is to be safe. (Ps 4:8, Ps 91:1-16, Pr 18:10, Pr 29:25, Isa 54:17, Na 1:7, Heb 13:6)

We are to learn in a true education environment.  Family Home School

True education begins in the home in the family. (Dt 11:19, Mal 4:5,6, 1Ti 1:5)

True education uses the Creator's textbook, the Bible, as its primary textbook. (Ps 12:6,7, Pr 2:1-6, 2Ti 3:15,16)

The Bible teaches true history. (Ge 1:1, Ge 3:17-19, Ro 5:19-21, Rev 21:1-4)

The Bible teaches true psychology. (Jer 17:9, Eze 36:26, Jn 3:3-6, Php 3:9)

The Bible teaches true sociology. (Ac 17:26, Am 3:3, Mt 7:12, Ro 12:18)

The Bible teaches true science. (Heb 11:3, Job 26:7, Isa 40:22, Col 2:2,3, 1Ti 6:20,21)

Science - "In a general sense, knowledge, or certain knowledge; the comprehension or understanding of truth or facts by the mind." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

Walking through the Bible is the best mental exercise. (Heb 4:12)

True education teaches truth. (Nu 23:19, Ps 119:160, Jn 17:17, Jn 18:37, Php 4:8, Tit 1:2, Heb 6:17,18)

True education discerns what is false. (Isa 8:20, Ac 17:10,11, 1Co 3:19, Eph 4:14, Col 2:8, 1Jn 4:1-3)

True education integrates the physical, mental, and spiritual. (Da 1:8,12-20, Lk 2:52)

True education develops positive thinking. (Pr 23:7 first part, Mt 7:7, Php 4:8)

True education develops spiritual thinking. (Ro 8:6, 1Co 2:13-16, Php 2:5)

True education develops wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. (Pr 3:13-23, Pr 4:5-7, Pr 16:16, Da 2:21 last part)

Wisdom and understanding are obtained by doing God's will. (Job 28:28, Ps 111:10, Ps 119:98-100, Pr 1:7, Pr 3:7, Pr 9:10, Jn 7:17)

True education comes from God. (Job 36:22, Job 38:36, Ps 94:9,10, Pr 2:6, 1Co 2:13,14, Jas 1:5, Jas 1:17)

Jesus is the True Teacher. (Mt 23:8-10, Isa 48:17, Jn 14:6 the Truth, Jn 15:4,5, Ac 4:13, Col 2:2,3, Jas 3:17, 1Jn 2:27)

True education develops a personal relationship with Jesus. (Mt 11:28-30, Jn 7:37,38, Jn 17:3, Isa 11:9, Jer 9:23,24, Jn 14:6,7, Heb 8:11)

Jesus teachs us through His word. (Jn 6:63, Jn 1:1,14)

Jesus teachs us through His example. (1Jn 2:6, Jn 13:14,15, Heb 12:2, 1Pe 2:20,21)

Jesus teachs us through the Holy Spirit. (Jn 16:13,14, Jn 14:16,17,26, Ro 8:9,10, Eph 3:16-19, 1Pe 1:10,11)

True education develops godly character, restoring the image of God in us. (Ge 1:27, Ps 4:2-5, Ps 12:1, Ps 23:3, Isa 49:6, Jer 30:17, Ro 8:29, Ro 12:2, Eph 4:11-13, 2Pe 1:4)

God's character is the essence of His name, His glory, and His goodness. (Ex 33:18,19, Ex 34:5-7)

The focal point of God's character is love. (1Jn 4:8,16)

Jesus is the greatest revelation of God's character. (Jn 12:45, Jn 14:9, 2Co 4:4-6, Heb 1:1-3)

Note on Heb 1:3: The greek word used here for "image" is khar-ak-tar' (phonetic) with transliteration "charaktēr", which mirrors our english word "character".

Jesus is revealed throughout all the Bible. (Ge 3:15, Mt 1:1, Mk 1:1, Lk 24:27,44,45, Jn 1:1,14, Ac 13:32,33, Rev 1:1)

True education explores God's wonderous creation, the book of Nature. (Job 12:7,8, Ps 19:1-3, Pr 6:6-8, Ecc 1:6,7, Isa 40:12,25,26, Am 5:8, Ro 1:20)  Family Sabbath School

True education focuses on function (synthesis), is supported by structure (analysis), and becomes beneficial only through application. (Eph 4:16, Job 41:1,15-17, Jas 1:22)

Examples: You cannot create a bicycle, without practical, wholistic/systemic vision and integrative design.

Examples: You cannot repair a bicycle, if you do not understand its parts.

Examples: You cannot benefit from a bicycle until you ride it.

True education develops content only as capacity becomes ready. (Isa 7:14-16, Jn 16:12)

True education assesses listener understanding and learner ability. (Ac 8:30, Jn 3:10, Jn 5:39-44, Ac 19:1-6)

True education develops respectful listening. (Jas 1:19, Lk 2:46)

True education develops effective speech. (Isa 50:4, Mt 5:33-37, Mt 12:36,37, Eph 4:29, Heb 13:16, Jas 3:2, Jas 5:12, 1Pe 1:15)

True education learns from mistakes. (Ps 19:12)

True education is resourceful. (Mt 14:14-20)

True education leverages opportunities. (Ecc 9:11)

True education develops perseverance. (Mt 7:7,8)

True education takes breaks. (Ecc 12:12)

True education never ends. (Pr 1:5, 1Pe 1:12)

True education is interwoven into the fabric of everyday life. (Dt 6:6-9)

True education develops practical, business skills. (1Th 4:11,12)

True education is missionary work. (Mt 28:18-20 teach and teaching, Ps 96:2,3, Ps 105:1, Isa 6:8, Mk 13:10, Jn 17:18, Rev 14:6)

We are to work in an appropriate career environment.

Our work consumes a major portion of our life. (Ex 20:8-11 6 out of every 7 days)

Our work is a calling from God. (Ro 8:28, Eph 4:1, 2Pe 1:10)

Our work is a result of God's providence. (Pr 3:6, Pr 16:9, Pr 19:21, Jer 1:4,5, Jer 29:11, Ro 8:29, Eph 1:11, Php 1:6)

Our work is to glorify God. (Mt 5:16, Jn 17:4, 1Co 10:31)

Our work is to connect people with God. (Mt 4:19, Mt 28:18-20, 2Co 5:20)

Our work is to help, rather than to harm. (Mt 10:16, Php 2:15)

Our work is to serve, rather than to be served. (Mk 10:42-45, Ac 20:35)

Our work is to benefit others, rather than only ourself. (Mt 16:24-26, Php 2:4)

Our work is to be informed by others we trust. (Ex 20:12, Job 12:12, Pr 1:5, Pr 11:14, Pr 13:1, Pr 13:10, Pr 19:20, Pr 27:17)

Our work is to be informed by our experiences. (Ps 25:7 first part, Pr 20:30, Pr 24:16 first part, Pr 26:11, Heb 12:5-13, Rev 3:19)

Our work is to use our abilities. (Mt 25:14-30, Lk 12:48)

Our work is to use our spiritual gifts. (Ro 12:6-8, 1Co 12:7, Eph 4:11-13, 1Pe 4:10)

Our work is to be our passion. (Jn 4:34, Col 3:23)

Our work is to be our joy. (Ecc 2:24)

Our work is to be free, rather than enslaved. (Dt 28:13, Gal 5:1)

Our work is to include faith. (Heb 11:8)

Our work is to include planning. (Lk 14:28-30)

Our work is not to be a source of confusion. (1Co 14:33)

Our work is not to compromise our health, such as in overly sedentary work. (Ecc 12:12, 3Jn 1:2)

Our work is not to compete with our family time and responsibilities. (1Ti 5:8)

Our work is not to involve moral compromise. (Dt 5:32, Ps 1:1, Pr 1:10, Pr 13:20, Pr 14:12, Pr 25:26, Jn 14:15, Ac 5:29, Ro 12:2, Eph 5:11, 1Ti 6:5, Heb 10:26, Jas 4:17)

Our career is set by the expenditures of our time and money. (Ecc 11:3 where it falls, there it shall be)

We are not to accept a materialistic, hedonistic environment.

We are not to covet worldly riches. (Ex 20:17, Mt 6:19,20, Mt 6:24, Mt 6:31-33, Mk 10:23-25, Lk 12:15, 1Ti 6:9,10)

We are to be content with the superior riches God provides for us. (Ps 37:4-6, Pr 16:8, Php 4:11-13, Php 4:19, 1Ti 6:6-8, Heb 13:5)

Jesus was homeless. (Mt 8:20)

We are not to be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. (2Ti 3:1-5)

We are not to idolize sports persons, cinema persons, social media persons, or other famous persons. (Ex 20:3-5)

We are not to accept a discriminatory, oppressive environment.

We are not to accept any superior/inferior, social status, caste system. (Ac 10:34,35, Ro 12:3)

We are not to accept any privileged/underprivileged, social resources system. (2Co 8:13-15)

As sin continues, so there will be poor and needy people. (Mk 14:7)

We are to help the poor and needy. (Pr 19:17)

We are to oppose oppression. (Zep 3:1)

We are to oppose offenses. (Lk 17:1)

We are not to accept a violent environment.

We are not to accept a violent environment. (Nu 35:33,34)

The antediluvian world was destroyed because of violence. (Ge 6:13)

As much as possible, we are to live in peace with all people. (Pr 16:7, Jer 29:7, Ro 12:18)

There is more to environmental health than the mental environment.

Spiritual environment

We are to maintain a right spirit.

We are to maintain a right spirit. (Ps 51:10,11, 2Co 7:1, Eph 5:18)

We are to have a clear conscience. (Ac 24:16, 1Ti 1:5, Heb 9:14, Heb 10:22)

We are to promote a Godly national environment.

Nations that follow the true God are blessed. (Dt 28:1-14, Ps 33:12, 1Pe 2:9)  Purple Mountains Majesty

Nations that defy the true God are cursed. (Ge 12:3, Dt 28:15-68, Ps 9:17, Pr 14:34, Jer 5:25-29)

Godly nations do not disregard God. (Jer 2:7,8)

Godly nations obey God's commandments. (Ex 19:5,6)

Godly nations uplift God's plan for the family. (Ge 2:18-25, Ps 22:27 kindreds = families)

Godly nations teach Creation, not evolution. (Ge 1:1,26,27,31, Rev 14:6,7)

Godly nations pray in their schools. (2Ch 7:14)

God's Creation is a wondrous and amazing Environment.  Autumn Leaves

God's Creation is a wondrous and amazing Environment. (Ps 145:5, Ro 1:20)

air; atoms; autumn leaves; babies; beauty; blue skies; cells; chemical elements; children; climbing insects; communication; conscience; consciousness; delicious and nutritious foods; elephant's trunk; energy; faith; families; floating clouds that rain; fluttering butterflies; flying birds; fragrant, colorful flowers; free will; glistening lakes; giraffe's neck; hope; humility; infinity; infinitesimal; intracellular, nano biological machines, such as ATP synthase and microtubular-"walking" kinesin; joy; kindness; land; languages; laughter; life; love; majestic mountains; male and female procreation; mathematics; microscopic organisms; muscular skeletal system; music; ocean waves; nobility; orbiting planets; order; our senses; peacock's tail; pets; programmed DNA information; reasoning; relationships; rhinoceros' horns; roaring tigers; running horses; salvation; seeds that grow into trees with seeds; singing; smiles; spider's web; sunlight that warms and nourishes; swimming, underwater fish; tears; towering, green trees; truth; unity; vast, galaxy-filled space; vast, open oceans; water; waterfalls

God's Creation inspires us to worship Him. (Ps 8:9, Isa 6:3, Rev 14:6,7)

True health protects and cultivates our environments. (Pr 31:8,9)