Faith (Trust)
Faith is the pillar of preventive health. (Heb 11:7)
Faith is the first of a threesome of immovable pillars. (1Co 13:13)
Faith is one of the fruits of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22)
The just shall live by faith. (Hab 2:2-4, Ro 1:17, Heb 10:38)
The starting point of faith is belief in God the Creator. (Heb 11:6 first part, Heb 11:3)
True faith is trust in God. (1Ti 4:10, Isa 26:1-4, Mt 12:21, Eph 1:12,13)
True faith comes by hearing the word of God. (Ro 10:17)
True faith is based on convicting evidence. (Heb 11:1, compare 1Th 5:21)
If we open our eyes, we can plainly see the evidence. (Mt 6:22,23 the eyes are the light of the body, Mt 13:16 blessed are your eyes, for they see, Ac 26:18 to open their eyes)
True faith does not doubt. (Mt 14:30,31, Mk 9:23,24, Lk 12:29, Ro 14:23, 2Co 5:7, Heb 3:17-19, Jas 1:5-7)
True faith does not backslide. (Hos 14:4 I will heal their backsliding.)
True faith is faithful unto death. (Php 2:8, Rev 2:10, Rev 12:11)
True faith overcomes the world. (1Jn 5:4,5 compare Rev 2:7)
True faith begins with repentance. (Ac 3:19, Mt 3:1,2, Mk 1:14,15, Lk 15:7, Ac 2:38, Ro 2:4, 2Co 7:9,10, 2Pe 3:9, Rev 2:16, Rev 3:19)
True faith is demonstrated by works. (Jas 2:17,18,22,26, Gal 5:6 last part, 1Th 1:3 first part, 2Th 1:11,12, Jas 1:22)
True faith moves mountains. (Mt 17:20, Mt 21:21, Mk 11:23)
True faith is demonstrated by willful obedience to God's physical, mental, and spiritual laws. (Ac 5:32 compare Ro 8:9, 1Sa 15:22, Ecc 12:13, Mt 28:19,20, 1Jn 2:4, 1Jn 3:4-6,24, Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12, Rev 22:14)
True faith results in health in this life. (Ex 15:26, Dt 4:40, Dt 5:29,33 wellness, Dt 7:12-15, Pr 3:1-8)
True faith results in eternal life. (Mt 7:21, Heb 5:8,9, Mk 16:16, Jn 3:16, Jn 11:25,26, Ro 10:9)
Trust - "
1. To place confidence in; to rely on.
2. To believe;
3. To commit to the care of, in confidence.
4. To venture confidently." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)
We can have complete confidence in God. (Pr 3:26, Pr 14:26, Heb 3:6,14, Heb 10:35, 1Jn 3:21, 1Jn 5:14)
Examples of trusting God
Noah trusted God when he built a gigantic boat before rain had ever fallen. (Ge 6:13-22 compare Ge 2:5,6, Heb 11:7 again)
Abraham trusted God when he left his home, not knowing where he was going. (Heb 11:8)
Abraham trusted God when he raised the knife to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Heb 11:17-19, Jas 2:21,22)
Jesus trusted His Father in each moment of life. (Jn 6:38, Jn 12:49,50, Heb 10:7)
Jesus trusted His Father in death. (Mt 26:42, Lk 23:46)
Jesus trusted His Father beyond death. (Mt 16:21, Jn 2:19-22)
Examples of not trusting God
Adam and Eve did not trust God when they ate from the forbidden tree. (Ge 3:1-6)
Abraham did not trust God when he sought the promised son via a bondmaid. (Gal 4:22-31)
Lot's wife did not trust God when she looked back. (Ge 19:17,26)
Elijah did not trust God when he fled from Jezebel. (1Ki 19:1-4,9)
Peter did not trust God when he objected to Jesus' sacrificial plan. (Mk 8:31-33)
Spiritual "back-seat driving" is not trusting God. (Jdg 21:25 doing what is right in our own eyes, Pr 14:12 a way that looks right)
Spiritual "driving backwards" is not trusting God. (Job 2:7 Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, Pr 6:12-15 frowardness [going away from, rather than toward])
Reasons to trust God
God has supreme knowledge.
God is the Creator. (Ge 1:1, Ps 19:1-3, Ro 1:20, Col 1:16, Rev 14:6,7)
God is the Designer. (Ps 139:13-16, Jer 1:5)
God is the Sustainer. (Ne 9:6,21, Isa 41:10,13, Jn 14:6 Life, Jn 15:5, Col 1:17)
Jesus, Who is God the Son, has all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col 2:2,3)
God knows all the past, all the present, and even all the future. (Job 38:1-4, Pr 15:3, Isa 46:9,10)
No other being knows what God knows. (Ro 11:33, Ps 147:5, Isa 55:9)
God has supreme character.
God is Perfect. (Mt 5:48, Ro 12:2 perfect will)
God is Holy. (Lev 11:45, Isa 6:1-3, Rev 4:8)
God is Good. (Ps 34:8, Lk 18:19, Jas 1:17 first part)
God is Just. (Dt 32:4, Rev 15:3)
God is Merciful. (Ex 34:5-7, Ps 136:1-26)
God is Love. (1Jn 4:7,8,16)
God has supreme love.
God has supreme love. (Jn 15:13-15, Ro 5:8-10)
God does not want anyone to perish. (Isa 45:22, Eze 33:11, Jn 6:39,40, 2Pe 3:9)
Jesus died to heal us physically, mentally, and spiritually. (Mt 8:16,17, Mt 20:28, Isa 53:4,5, 1Pe 2:24)
Jesus continually intercedes for us. (Heb 7:25, Ro 8:34)
Nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Ro 8:35,38,39, Ps 9:10)
God knows the way.
God knows the way. (Dt 28:9 walk in His ways, 2Ch 20:12 We don't know what to do: but our eyes are upon Thee., Ps 18:30 His way is perfect., Ps 32:8 I will teach you in the way which you shall go., Ps 119:105 His word is a light unto our path., Pr 16:9 The LORD directs our steps., Isa 30:21 Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way., Isa 48:17 God leads us by the way we should go.)
Jesus is the Way. (Jn 14:6)
God is always right.
God is always right. (Isa 45:19, Ps 65:5 the confidence, Hos 14:9, Rev 15:3,4)
God keeps all His promises.
God keeps all His promises. (Jos 23:14, 1Ki 8:56, Isa 14:24, Eze 24:14, Heb 10:23)
God never lies. (Heb 6:17,18 immutability of his counsel, impossible for God to lie, Nu 23:19, Ps 119:160, Ps 138:2, Jn 17:17, Tit 1:2)
Jesus is the Truth. (Jn 14:6, Jn 18:37)
God does not change.
God does not change. (Dt 7:9, Ps 89:34, Ecc 3:14, Mal 3:6 first part, Heb 13:8, Jas 1:17 second part)
God has supreme power.
God has supreme power. (1Ch 16:31, Ne 9:6, Ps 62:11, Isa 52:7 last part, Jer 37:10, Na 1:3, Mt 28:18, Lk 1:37, Lk 18:27, 1Ti 6:15)
God steers the course of history. (Isa 46:9-11, Ps 115:3, Ps 135:6, Jer 8:7, Da 4:30-35)
God steers the course of His people. (Ro 8:28, Ps 114:1-8)
Together with God, we are invincible. (Dt 28:7, Jos 1:5-9, Jos 21:43-45, Jn 10:27-29)
Jesus understands our sufferings.
Jesus came in the flesh. (1Jn 4:2,3)
Jesus suffered. (Heb 5:8)
Jesus experienced hunger. (Mt 4:2)
Jesus experienced sorrow. (Isa 53:3,4)
Jesus experienced fatigue. (Lk 6:12)
Jesus was homeless. (Mt 8:20)
Jesus was doubted. (Mt 12:24)
Jesus was betrayed. (Mt 26:47,48)
Jesus was rejected. (Jn 1:11)
Jesus was tempted. (Mt 4:1, Heb 4:15)
Jesus wept. (Jn 11:35, Lk 19:41, Heb 5:7)
Jesus experienced deep agony of choice. (Lk 22:42)
Jesus, in agony, sweated great drops of blood. (Lk 22:44)
Jesus was spat upon. (Mt 26:67)
Jesus was punched while blindfolded. (Lk 22:63,64)
Jesus' beard was violently pulled. (Isa 50:6)
Jesus' head was violently pierced by a crown of thorns. (Mt 27:29)
Jesus was whipped. (Jn 19:1)
Jesus was crucified. (Ps 22:16, Mt 27:35, Mk 15:25, Lk 23:33, Jn 19:17,18)
Jesus was mocked. (Mt 27:39-44)
Jesus was exposed to public shame. (Ps 22:17,18, Gal 3:13)
Jesus experienced death. (Mt 27:50, Jn 19:30-37)
Jesus overcame the world, sin, and death.
Jesus overcame the world. (Jn 16:33)
Jesus overcame sin. (Heb 4:15)
Jesus overcame death. (Mt 28:6,7, Heb 9:28)
Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. (Heb 12:2 first part)
We are blessed by trusting God.
God wants to bless us. (Jer 29:11, Jn 10:10 last part, 3Jn 1:2)
We are blessed by trusting God. (Jer 17:7,8, Ps 5:11, Ps 28:7, Ps 34:8,22, Ps 84:11,12, Isa 26:3,4, Lk 17:12-19, Heb 11:6 last part)
God knows those who trust Him. (Na 1:7 compare Mt 7:21-23 "I never knew you: depart from me")
Our response to God's greatness
Contemplating these reasons to trust God, we are impressed to walk humbly with Him. (Mic 6:8, Mt 18:2-4, Jas 4:10)
Contemplating these reasons to trust God, we are encouraged to go forward according to His will. (Ex 14:13-15, Mt 12:30, Mt 28:18-20, Rev 18:1-4)
Trusting God, we bypass seemingly insurmountable obstacles. (Ps 18:29, Mt 17:20, Lk 17:6, Jn 14:13,14)
Trusting God, we overcome the world. (1Jn 5:4,5, Rev 2:7,11,17,26, Rev 3:5,12,21, Rev 21:7)
Contemplating these reasons to trust God, we are inspired to praise and worship Him.
God alone is worthy of worship. (Rev 4:11, Rev 5:9-12, Ex 20:1-11, 1Sa 7:3,4, Ps 100:1-5, Lk 4:7,8, Jn 12:42,43, Rev 22:8,9)
All creation worships God. (Ps 148:1-14, 1Ch 16:33, Ps 96:11-13, Isa 55:12, Hab 3:10, Lk 19:37-40, Rev 5:13,14, Ps 66:4, Ps 148:1-14, Php 2:9-11)
Praise and worship God. (Rev 14:6,7, 1Ch 16:29, Ps 29:1,2, Ps 34:3, Ps 35:28, Ps 115:17,18, Ps 146:1,2, Isa 12:3,4, Isa 61:11, Lk 1:46, Jn 4:23)
True health is trust in God. (Ps 125:1)