Love (Relationships)

Love is the pillar of relational health. (1Co 13:1-8 charity [love])

Love is the greatest of a threesome of immovable pillars. (1Co 13:13 charity [love])

The word used for "love" in 1Co 13 is "charity".

"Charity" encompasses more than we commonly bound with our use of the word "love".

Charity - "In a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow man, and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love to God, and universal good will to men." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

[Note the combination of heart, mind, and action.]

Charity [Gr. agape (ag-ah'-pay)] - "brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence" (Strong's Dictionary)

Love is the first of the fruits of the Spirit. (Gal 5:22)

Love is the essence of God's character.

Love is the essence of God's character. (1Jn 4:7,8,16)

God's love is demonstrated through His mercy and longsuffering. (Ex 34:6)

God's love is demonstrated through His compassion. (Ps 27:10, Ps 78:38, Ps 86:15, La 3:31-33, Mt 14:14)

God's love is demonstrated through His sacrifice. (Jn 3:16, 1Jn 3:16)

God's love is demonstrated through His justice. (Heb 12:5-7)

God's love is unfailing. (Dt 31:6, La 3:22,23)

God's love is everlasting. (Jer 31:3, Ps 136:1-26)

God's love is all encompassing. (Ps 136:25, Mt 5:45)

Love and sin are opposites.

Because love is the essence of God's character, therefore:

Love is agreement/harmony/alignment with God. (1Co 13:6 truth (compare Jn 14:6 Jesus is the Truth))


Sin is disagreement/discord/opposition to God. (Ge 3:8, 1Jn 3:4-6 the law embodies God's loving character, 1Co 13:6 iniquity [sin])

Sin harms and destroys others and self. (Lev 5:15,16 harm, Ps 107:17 affliction, Ecc 9:18 destruction, Isa 1:4-6 wounds, bruises, sores, Eze 18:20 death, Jn 5:13,14 disease, Ro 1:29 malignity, Ro 6:23 death, Jas 1:15 death, Rev 21:8 eternal death)

Love is harmless. (Ro 13:10, Pr 10:22)

There was no harm in Eden. (Ge 1:29-31)

There will be no harm in Heaven. (Isa 11:6-9, Rev 21:1-5)

Therefore, there should be no harm now on earth. (Mt 6:10)

Gentleness, goodness, and meekness, which are fruits of the Spirit, perpetrate no harm. (Gal 5:22,23)

We are to be harmless. (Mt 6:10, Mt 10:16, Php 2:15)

Love nurtures/prevents/protects against harm. (Ps 10:12-18, Ps 12:5, Ps 32:7, Ps 46:8,9, Pr 10:12, Pr 19:17, Pr 31:8,9, Ecc 11:1, Isa 58:7-11, Mt 25:34-40, Lk 6:38, Jas 1:27 first part, 1Pe 4:8)

Love heals/rescues/saves from harm. (2Sa 22:3,4, Ps 68:5,6, Ps 82:3,4, Ps 107:19-21, Isa 1:17, Isa 58:6, Jer 22:3, Mt 10:8)

Love is kind. (1Co 13:4, Eph 4:32)

Kind - "Disposed to do good to others, and to make them happy by granting their requests, supplying their wants or assisting them in distress; having tenderness or goodness of nature; benevolent; benignant." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

Sin does self-will and/or the will of other created beings. (Php 3:18,19, Rev 13:4,8)

Love does God's will. (1Jn 3:17,18, Mt 6:10 the Lord's prayer, Mt 7:21, Jas 1:22)

Jesus is Love incarnate

Jesus is harmless. (Heb 7:26, Isa 53:9, 1Pe 2:23)

Jesus nurtures/prevents/protects against harm. (Ps 91:1-4, Mt 15:32-38, Mt 23:37, Lk 21:37, Jn 10:10 last part, Jn 19:25-27, 1Pe 5:7, Rev 12:7 as Michael)

Michael is the preincarnate name of God the Son, Whom we now know as Jesus.

Michael [Heb. Miykael (me-kaw-ale' )] - "who (is) like God?" (Strong's Dictionary) (Heb 1:1-3)

Michael is the one and only Archangel, the One over (arch) the angels. (Mt 28:18, Heb 1:4-8)

Jesus heals/rescues/saves from harm. (Da 3:25-27, Da 12:1 as Michael, Mt 1:20,21, Mt 4:18,19, Mt 4:23,24, Mt 14:14, Mt 18:12-14, Lk 7:21,22, Jn 10:11,15, Ac 10:38, )

Jesus always does His Father's will. (Jn 4:34, Jn 6:38)

Jesus is Love incarnate. (Mt 1:23 God with us, Jn 15:13 greatest love, Col 2:9 bodily, Heb 1:1-3 brightness of God's glory)

Jesus is Love eternal. (Ro 8:35-39, Heb 13:8)

We are to do everything with love.

We are to do everything with love. (1Co 16:14 charity [love])

We are to be rooted and grounded in love. (Eph 3:17-19)

Without the fertile soil of love, we cannot bear any good fruit. (1Co 13:1-3, Mt 7:16-20)

Love is manifested in harmonious relationships.

Love is the essence/spirit of the Ten Commandments. (Mt 22:36-40, Jn 15:10 first part, Gal 5:14, 2Jn 1:6)

The Ten Commandments define love as harmonious relationships:

The first 4 commandments define love as a harmonious relationship with God. (Ex 20:3-11, 1Jn 5:3)

The the last 6 commandments define love as harmonious relationships with others. (Ex 20:12-17, 1Jn 5:2)

Harmonious relationships fundamentally require agreement. (Am 3:3 agreement needed to "walk together", Ge 13:5-11 no strife, Pr 21:9 no discord, Ac 2:1 one accord, 1Co 1:10 no divisions, 1Co 12:25 no schism, Gal 5:19,20 no variance [discord], Php 2:2 one mind)

Therefore, we are not to become bound together with unbelievers. (Ex 23:32 no covenant with them, 2Co 6:14-17 not bound together with them)

God's word (the Bible) is the written standard for agreement. (Nu 23:19, Ps 119:160, Jn 17:17, Jn 18:37, Tit 1:2, Heb 6:17,18)

As the parties of a relationship follow the Bible, they draw closer together in agreement with each other.

Jesus (the Living Word) is the living standard for agreement. (Ro 15:5,6, Jn 17:3, 1Co 2:14-16)

Jesus manifested true agreement with God the Father. (Jn 7:16, Jn 8:29, Jn 15:10 last part)

The Holy Spirit manifests true agreement with Jesus. (Jn 15:26, Jn 16:13, Ro 8:9 Spirit of Christ)

As the parties of a relationship follow Jesus (the Living Word), they draw closer together in agreement with each other:

person A => Jesus (God's character) <= person B (1Jn 1:7 first 3 phrases)

Jesus (Love incarnate) is the Bond of perfectness. (Col 3:14 charity)

Harmonious relationships require mutual respect.

Respect does not mean looking up to someone.

Respect means considering others equally as yourself. (Mt 7:12 and Lk 6:31, Mk 10:42-45, Eph 5:21, Php 2:3,4, Jas 2:9, 1Pe 5:5).

Respect - "That estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

Respect does not judge based on appearances. (1Sa 16:7, Jn 7:24, Ro 2:1-3, Ro 14:10-13)

Respect recognizes each person as being made in God's image. (Ge 1:27)

Respect recognizes each person as a member of one, greater family. (Mal 2:10, Ac 17:26,27)

Respect extends common courtesy to all. (1Pe 2:17 first part, 1Pe 3:8)

Respect does not seek to usurp the place of another's conscience. (Ro 14:5 last part)

God treats everyone with equal respect. (Ac 10:34, Ro 2:11)

Harmonious relationships require working together.

Working together requires good communication. (Ge 11:1-9, Isa 1:18 first part)

Good communication requires good listening, not rudely interrupting, and not dominating conversations. (Jas 1:19, Pr 10:19, Lk 2:46)

Good communication includes pleasant words. (Pr 16:24)

Jesus worked together perfectly with His Father. (Mt 3:16,17, Lk 2:49, Jn 5:15-19, Jn 10:37,38)

Jesus fulfilled God's relationship laws. (Mt 5:17)

We are to fulfill God's relationship laws. (Ecc 12:13, Ro 8:4, Ro 13:8,9)

Our first relationship is with God.

God is our Creator. (Ge 1:27)

God is our Primary Parent. (Isa 64:8, Mt 6:9 Our Father (the Lord's prayer), Jn 1:12,13, Ro 8:14-16, Eph 1:3-5)

God is our Source of Life. (Jn 14:6, Jas 1:12)

God is to be our first love. (Dt 6:5, Dt 4:29, Ps 42:1, Pr 8:17, Jer 29:13, Mt 22:36-40, Mk 10:28-30, Rev 2:4,5)

Jesus is God the Son.

Jesus is God. (Ps 18:2, Jn 8:58 compare Ex 3:14, Jn 10:30, Php 2:5,6, Col 1:15, Col 2:9, Tit 1:3,4, Heb 1:1-3, Heb 1:5,8)

Jesus is the Son of God (Da 3:24,25, Mt 16:15-17, Jn 1:34, Lk 1:31,32, Lk 3:22, Lk 9:35, Jn 8:54, Rev 2:18)

Jesus is the Door to our relationship with God. (Jn 10:9, Jn 14:6, Heb 7:25, 1Jn 2:23)

Jesus is the Ladder that connects us with Heaven. (Ge 28:12, Jn 1:50,51)

Jesus is also our best friend. (Zec 13:6, Jn 15:13-15)

God first loved us, when we did not love Him. (Ro 5:8-10, Jn 15:16, 1Jn 4:19)

God desires a relationship with each of us. (Ps 139:17, Jas 4:8 first part, Rev 3:20)

God wants us to walk with Him. (Mic 6:8, Ge 5:21-24 Enoch, Ge 6:9 Noah, Rev 14:4 the 144,000)

As previously noted, walking together requires agreement. (Am 3:3)

The more we know about God, the more we will see His will is perfect. (Ro 12:2, Mt 6:10 the Lord's prayer)

The more we know about God, the more we will be transformed by His matchless love. (Jn 3:16, Jn 15:13, 2Co 3:18, 1Jn 3:16)

The more we know about God, the more we will want to really know Him in a personal relationship. (Hag 2:6,7 Jesus is "the desire of all nations", Jn 17:3)

Compare the foolish, tragic, unthinkable "life" of many who never know their own Creator/Father/Sustainer/Saviour. (Ps 14:1 first part, Ac 4:10-12, Mt 7:13,14)

The more we really know God, the more we will agree with Him and joyfully obey Him. (Jn 14:15,21, Heb 8:10,11, 1Jn 2:3-6 we know Him, if we keep His commandments)

knowledge => faith (trust) and agreement => willful obedience

Compare the sad, tragic, unthinkable "life" of many who never really know God. (Mt 7:22,23)

Agreeing with God is true health. (Ex 15:26 listen and do)

For any relationship, we need a loving heart.

In order to love others, we must first love ourself. (Lev 19:18, Lk 10:25-28, Gal 5:14)

However, we must love ourself in the right way.

In our fallen state, we are deceived about correct love. (Jer 17:9, Pr 14:12, Pr 21:2)

In our fallen state, we are inherently self-centered. (2Ti 3:2 first part, Jas 1:13,14)

Godly love puts others before ourself. (Ac 20:35, Ro 12:10, Ro 15:1-3, 1Co 10:24, Php 2:3,4)

Godly love includes sacrifice. (Isa 53:3-6, Mt 8:16,17, Jn 3:16, Gal 6:2, Eph 5:2, Php 2:7,8, 1Pe 2:21,24, 1Jn 3:16)

To love the correct way (God's way), we need a loving heart. (Ps 51:10, Pr 4:20-27, Eze 18:31, Mk 7:20-23, Lk 6:45, 2Co 3:3)

We need a heart that is aligned with God's laws, which express His loving character. (Dt 30:6, Pr 3:1-4, Pr 23:7 first part, Isa 29:13, Jer 24:7, Jer 31:33, Eze 11:18-20, Eze 36:26,27, Mt 15:7-9, Eph 4:22-24, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16, 1Jn 3:24)

We need a heart that is aligned with God's word, which expresses His loving character. (1Jn 2:5)

To have a loving heart, we must have repented from (abandoned) our sins. (Pr 3:7,8, Pr 28:13, Mt 1:21, Mt 3:1-3, Lk 13:3, Ac 3:19, Ro 2:4 ingratitude, 2Ti 2:19)

To have a loving heart, we must have been born again (anew) through Jesus. (Jn 3:3-8, Jn 14:6, Ac 4:12, 1Pe 1:23, 1Jn 3:9, 1Jn 5:18)

Only with Jesus in our heart can we love correctly. (Jn 17:20-23,26 I in them, Ro 8:10,11 if Christ be in you, 2Co 13:5 that Jesus Christ is in you)

Only as we walk with Jesus can we have proper (Godly) relationships. (Jn 15:4,5)

Holding on to guilt and shame from our past actions is a barrier to loving ourself.

When we are born anew, God removes this barrier.

Through Jesus, we are forgiven. (Ro 8:1)

Through Jesus, we become a new person. (2Co 5:17 all things are become new, 1Co 15:31 last part, I die daily., Gal 2:20 Christ liveth in me.)

In God's eyes, our old person is forgotten. (Isa 38:17, Isa 43:25, Jer 31:34, Eze 33:16, Heb 10:17)

This is true love from God.

God enables us to have Godly self-respect.

We are freed from the bonds of ignorance of God's love and holiness. (Ro 6:22, 1Ti 1:12-14, 1Pe 1:13-16)

God made us in His image. (Ge 1:27, Ge 9:6)

Everything that God makes is very good. (Ge 1:31, Ps 139:14)

God made each of us for a unique, special purpose. (Jer 1:5, Eph 2:10)

As we walk with God, He will continue to restore us as He intended us to be. (Ps 121:8, Isa 40:31, Ro 8:28, 2Pe 1:4)

Freed from our past, we are to move forward according to God's high calling. (Php 3:13,14)

We are to publicly proclaim our personal relationship with Jesus through baptism. (Mt 10:32, Mk 16:16, Ac 2:37,38, Ac 8:35-38, Ac 22:16, Ro 6:1-4, Col 2:12, 2Ti 2:12 last part)

Our first earthly relationship is with our home family.

Being the union of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, God Himself is the original, foundational, loving family relationship. (Ge 1:26 ("us","our"), Ge 3:22 ("us"), Ge 11:7-9 ("us"), Isa 48:16,17, Jer 30:5 ("we"), Mt 3:16,17, Mt 28:19, Jn 14:16,17,26, Jn 15:26, 2Co 13:14, Eph 4:3-6, 1Pe 1:2, 1Jn 5:7 compare Jn 1:1-4,14-17)

Being made in God's image, everyone who enters this life does so in the context of a family, which begins as a union/marriage of a father and mother. (Ge 1:27,28, Ge 2:18,24, Eph 5:31)

Premarital life must include discernment, non cohabitation, and chastity. (Lk 14:28-30, Ge 2:24, Eph 5:3, 1Th 4:3)

The marriage relationship is to be Christ-centered. (2Co 5:14,15, Gal 2:20, Col 3:17, Heb 12:2 first part)

husband => Jesus (God's character) <= wife  Family Wedding

Marriage is to be only within the faith. (Ge 24:2-4, Ps 127:1, Jn 10:16, 1Co 7:39 "only in the Lord", 2Co 6:14-17)

Marriage is to be a lifelong commitment. (Mt 19:4-6, SS 8:6,7, 1Co 7:39 "as long as her husband liveth")

Marriage is to be faithful. (Ex 20:14, Heb 13:4 second part)

Marriage is to be fruitful. (Ge 1:28, Ps 127:3-5, Ps 128:1-4, Pr 17:6, Mal 2:15 first part)

Marriage is encouraged. (Pr 18:22, Pr 19:14, Ecc 4:8-12, 1Co 7:1-3)

Marriage is honorable. (Heb 13:4 first part)

The family is to be ordered according to God's design. (Ac 5:29, Tit 1:14)

Each family is to establish a separate household on private land. (Ge 2:24, Dt 28:8, Pr 5:15, Isa 5:8, Jer 29:5)

This prevents generational governance conflicts, provides privacy, and extends the influence of God's people.

Functionally, there are different organizational roles in the family. (compare to the body 1Co 12:14-20)

God is the ultimate head of every family. (1Co 11:3 first and third parts, Mt 18:20)

The husband (literally "house band") is the primary human leader/head of the family. (Ge 3:16, Ge 18:19, Nu 30:6-8 over a wife's vow, Eph 5:22-24, 1Co 11:3 second part, 1Ti 3:4,5,12)

Men are not to abuse their authority. (Mt 20:25-28)

The wife is also an important leader of the family. (Pr 6:20 last part, Pr 31:10,11,27, 1Ti 5:14)

Women are not to usurp their husband's authority. (1Ti 2:12 second part)

As in all relationships, there is to be mutual love, respect, and cooperation. (Mal 4:5,6, Eph 5:21, Eph 5:25,33, Col 3:18,19, Tit 2:4,5, 1Pe 3:1-7)

There is to be equity (equal value and importance) among family members. (Ps 98:9, compare 1Co 12:23, Gal 3:26-29)

Parents are to govern their children. (Ge 18:19, 1Sa 3:12-14, Pr 1:8)

Parents are to be kind to their children. (Pr 31:10,28, 1Co 13:4, Col 3:21, Eph 6:4 first part)

Parents are to personally educate their children. (Dt 4:9, Dt 6:6-9, Dt 11:18-21, Ps 78:1-8, Pr 22:6, Isa 38:19 last part, Isa 58:7 last part, Mal 2:15 Godly seed, Eph 6:4 second part)

Parents are to be examples for their children. (Ex 20:5,6, Eze 16:44 last part)

Parents are to provide for their children. (2Co 12:14 last part, 1Ti 5:8)

Children are to honor (respect) their parents. (Ex 20:12, Eph 6:2,3)

Children are to obey their parents. (Nu 30:3-5 over a daughter's vow, Eph 6:1, Col 3:20)

Since it is the foundational social unit, instituted by God in Eden, the family is under a focused attack. (Ge 4:8, Mic 7:6, Mt 10:36, Ro 1:25-27, 1Co 7:28)

God protects the families of His people. (Isa 49:25,26)

Our second earthly relationship is with the church family.  Family Going to Church  Family in Church

There is only one true church. (Jn 10:11-16 Jesus' sheep, Ac 4:10-12 Christ-ians, Ac 11:26 Christ-ians, Eph 4:3-6 one body)

The following are some identifying marks of the true church:

They have faith in Jesus (as their Saviour and Lord). (1Jn 4:14, Ro 10:13, Rev 12:17 last part, Rev 14:12 last part)

They keep the Ten Commandments (out of love for Jesus). (Jn 14:15, Rev 12:17 first part, Rev 14:12 first part, Rev 22:14)

Their doctrines are from the Bible and the Bible alone. (Jn 17:17, Jn 4:23, Gal 1:7-12, 1Ti 3:15)

They are godly, loving people. (Jn 13:34,35, Gal 5:13, Gal 6:10, Eph 4:15,16, 1Co 13:1-6, Heb 12:14, 1Pe 1:22, 1Pe 2:17, 1Jn 4:11,12)

Jesus is the Foundation of the church structure. (1Co 3:11, Mt 21:42, Eph 2:20)

Jesus is the Head of the church body. (Eph 1:20-22, Eph 4:15, Col 1:18,24)

Jesus is the Husband of the church family. (Isa 54:5, Jer 31:31,32, Hos 2:19,20, Mt 9:14,15, Jn 3:27-29, Ro 7:4, 2Co 11:2, Eph 5:31,32, Rev 19:7-9, Rev 21:2,9,10)

The church is Spiritual Israel. (2Sa 7:23,24, Ro 2:28,29, Ro 9:6-8, Gal 3:7,26-29, Gal 4:28, Gal 6:14-16, Eph 2:11-13,19-22, 1Pe 2:5-10)

Jesus invites all persons to join His church. (Mt 28:19, Jn 12:32,33, 2Pe 3:9, Rev 7:9,10, Rev 22:17)

We are to be active members in His church. (Heb 10:24,25, 1Co 12:7, Heb 6:10)

The church is our extended family in Christ. (Nu 6:27, Mt 12:46-50, Ro 8:29, Gal 4:5-7, Gal 6:10 household of faith, Eph 2:19 household of God, Eph 3:14,15, 1Th 4:9,10, 1Ti 5:1,2 brothers and sisters, 1Jn 3:1,2)  Family of God

Our third earthly relationship is with the human family.

We are to love all people. (Lev 19:18,34, Dt 10:19, Mk 12:30,31, Jn 15:12, 1Th 3:12, Heb 13:1, 1Jn 3:10,11,23, 1Jn 4:20,21)

We are all neighbors on this earth. (Lk 10:30-37)

We are all of one blood, making up the human family. (Mal 2:10, Ac 17:26,27).

We are all made in the image of God. (Ge 1:27)

We are even to love our enemies. (Mt 5:43-48, Ps 35:11-16, Pr 25:21, Lk 6:35, Ro 12:14, 1Jn 3:14,15, 1Jn 4:18)

We are to attempt to live peacefully with all people. (Pr 10:12, Pr 16:7, Isa 2:2-4, Isa 9:6 Jesus is The Prince of Peace, Mt 5:9, Mt 5:39-41, Ro 12:18, Ro 15:33, 1Ti 2:1-3, Jas 3:17,18, Heb 12:14, 1Pe 3:9) (compare Pr 15:1 and Pr 30:33 last part)

Making friends is a mutual blessing. (Pr 18:24, Pr 27:9,17,19, 1Th 5:11)

Our business relationships are to be Christ-centered. (Pr 16:3, 2Co 6:14-17)

(In modern contexts, we apply the following precepts by considering the Bible term "master" as employer/leader and "servant/slave" as employee/worker.)

As leaders, we are to respect our workers. (Dt 24:14,15, Job 31:13-15, Jer 22:13, Eph 6:9, Col 4:1, 1Ti 5:18, Jas 5:4)

As workers, we are to respect our leaders. (Pr 27:18, Eph 6:5-8, 1Ti 6:1, Tit 2:9,10, 1Pe 2:18-23)

As citizens of Heaven, we are to be model citizens of our particular earthly nation. (Eph 2:19, Heb 11:9,10,13-16) (Ro 13:1-7, 1Pe 2:13-16)

As in other relationships, Jesus is the highest authority in civil relationships. (Mt 28:18, Jn 14:15, Ac 5:27-29, Tit 1:14, Rev 19:16)

Note that for God's people, a "king" is expected to be a Christian. (Dt 17:14,15, Heb 13:17)

We are to take special care of the poor and needy. (Ex 23:10,11, Lev 23:22, Lev 25:35-41, Dt 15:7-11, Dt 24:14, Job 29:12,13, Ps 68:5, Ps 82:3,4, Ps 112:5,9, Pr 14:21, Pr 21:13, Pr 22:9, Pr 28:27, Pr 29:7, Pr 31:10,20, Isa 1:17, Isa 58:6-11, Mt 5:42, Mt 25:31-40, Lk 3:11, Ac 20:35, Gal 2:9,10, Jas 1:27, Jas 2:15-17)

With this in mind, we must also identify and seek to eliminate the root causes of poverty, hardship, and oppression. (Pr 26:2)

With this in mind, we must also address spiritual poverty. (Jas 1:9-11, Rev 3:14-17)

Our relationships with others affect our relationship with God. (Mt 5:23,24, Mt 6:14,15, Mt 25:41-46, Jas 2:13 first part)

We are to be humble to prevent quarrels and strife. (Pr 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention., Mic 6:8 Walk humbly with God., Gal 5:19-21 Variance and strife have no place in Heaven. Jas 4:6 God resists the proud.)

We are to exercise forbearance. (Eph 4:2, 1Pe 4:8)

We are to exercise forgiveness. (Mt 6:12 the Lord's prayer, Eph 4:32)

Love works for human rights.

We must treat all people with equity. (Ps 99:4, Pr 2:9, Pr 22:2)

Equity - "Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason." (Webster's Dictionary 1828) (Emphasis added for "right" and "right to claim".)

Since each person is created by God in His image; (Ge 1:27)

since we are all part of one root human family; (Ac 17:26)

since we are to treat others as we would be treated; (Mt 7:12)

since we are to do everything with love; (1Co 16:14 charity [love])

we must work for human rights for all people.

The following are some basic human rights we must earnestly support and protect:

The right to life. (Pr 24:11,12)

The right to liberty. (Lk 4:18)

The right to truth. (Rev 22:15)

The right to safety. (Isa 11:9)

The right to choose and practice a religion. (Ex 20:2,3, Jos 24:14,15)

The right to family. (Ge 2:24)

The right to land and other material possessions. (Dt 30:5)

The right to work and receive fair compensation. (2Th 3:10, 2Ti 2:6)

The right to rest. (Ex 20:8-11)

The right to privacy. (Mt 6:3-6)

The right to peaceful assembly. (Heb 10:25)

The right to civil citizenship and its benefits. (Ro 13:1-7)

The right to communicate. (Heb 10:24)

The right to health. (3Jn 1:2)

The right to choose and receive education. (Pr 22:6)

The right to peace. (Ro 12:18)

The right to defend self, family, and property. (Ge 14:14-16, Ex 22:2, 1Sa 30:1-19)

The right to move. (Mt 28:18-20)

The right to evangelism. (2Co 5:18-20)

Love converts.

Evil - "Natural evil is any thing which produces pain, distress, loss or calamity, or which in any way disturbs the peace, impairs the happiness, or destroys the perfection of natural beings.
Moral evil is any deviation of a moral agent from the rules of conduct prescribed to him by God, or by legitimate human authority; or it is any violation of the plain principles of justice and rectitude." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)
[The definition of "evil" makes it a synonym for "sin". (1Jn 3:4)]

Being Love, God hates sin/evil and its resulting harm and destruction. (Zec 8:17, Ps 5:4, Pr 6:16-19)

Having God's love, we also must hate sin/evil and its resulting harm and destruction. (Pr 8:13, Ps 45:7, Ps 97:10, Eze 9:4, Am 5:15, Ro 12:9, Rev 2:6)

Being Love, God does not want anyone to perish. (2Pe 3:9)

God takes no pleasure in the loss of a soul. (Eze 18:23,32)

God has repeatly given warnings of the eventual consequences of continued sin. (2Ch 36:15,16, Am 3:7, Jnh 3:1-10, Lk 13:1-9, Gal 5:19-21, Noah warned for 120 years: Ge 6:3,8 and 2Pe 2:5)

Having God's love, we also must continue to give warnings of the eventual consequences of continued sin. (Isa 58:1, Eze 3:18,19, Eze 33:7, Ac 18:5,6, Gal 6:1,7, Rev 14:9-11, Rev 18:1-4)

Being Love, God wants everyone to be saved. (Ro 5:18, 1Th 5:9, 1Ti 2:3-6, 1Jn 2:2, Rev 22:17)

With infinite sacrifice, God has provided the means whereby every soul may be saved. (Jn 3:16, 1Jn 3:16)

Having God's love, we must do our part to save as many as possible. (Mt 28:18-20, Mk 16:15,16, Lk 14:16-23, Jn 1:35, Ac 1:8, Ro 10:13-15, 1Co 1:17,18,22-24,30,31, 2Co 9:6, Gal 1:8-10, Eph 6:19,20, Php 2:16, Col 1:27,28, 1Th 1:3,8, 2Th 2:16,17, 1Ti 4:12-16, 2Ti 4:5, Tit 1:9, Phm 1:6, Heb 2:3,4, Jas 5:19,20, 1Pe 3:15, 2Pe 1:4-8, 1Jn 1:2,3, 2Jn 1:3, 3Jn 1:2, Jude 1:21-23, Rev 14:6,7)

Having God's love, we must be examples of love. (Mt 5:14-16)

Having God's love, we must be ambassadors of love. (2Co 5:18-20)

Having God's love, we must be prayerful intercessors. (1Sa 12:23, 1Ti 2:1, Jas 5:16)

Love corrects.

Love and truth are to be joined together. (Eph 4:15, 1Jn 3:18)

Correction of a froward/harmful course is beneficial. (Pr 12:1, Ps 18:26 against the froward)

Froward - "Perverse, that is, turning from, with aversion or reluctance; not willing to yield or comply with what is required; unyielding; ungovernable; refractory; disobedient; peevish; as a froward child." (Webster's Dictionary 1828) (compare to and fro, toward and froward)

God corrects His froward/harmful people. (Ps 137:1-6, Heb 12:5-11)

Jesus corrected/rebuked the froward/harmful Jewish leaders. (Mt 21:12,13, Mt 23:1-39)

Loving parents are to correct their froward/harmful children. (Pr 13:24, Pr 22:15, Pr 29:15-17)

Loving churches are to correct their froward/harmful members. (Mt 18:15-17, Ro 16:17,18, 1Co 5:11-13, 2Th 3:14,15, Tit 3:10,11)

Loving governments are to correct their froward/harmful citizens. (Ro 13:1-7)

Love will eventually eliminate all harm.

Love will eventually eliminate all harm. (Ro 6:23, Gal 6:7)

Examples: the flood (Ge 6:11-13), Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge 19:24-28), ancient wicked nations (Dt 20:16-18)

Eliminating harm will be required to heal / save the universe. (Mt 5:29,30, 1Co 5:6,7, Gal 5:7-10, 2Ti 2:16,17)

The time will come when God will finally remove / abandon every unrepented sinner. (Ps 37:10,20,36,38, Nu 15:29-31 presumptuous sin, Eze 28:15-19 Satan, Da 2:31-35,44,45 modern wicked nations, Mal 4:1,3, Mt 25:41 the entire confederation of evil, Ro 1:32, 1Co 6:9,10, Eph 5:5,6, 2Th 1:7-9, Heb 10:26 willful sin, Rev 11:18, Rev 20:6-9, Rev 21:8)

Eternally destroying unrepented sinners will be a strange/unpleasant act. (Isa 28:21,22)

Eternally destroying unrepented sinners will be an act of final justice / free will choice. (Lev 22:29, Jos 24:14,15, Jn 3:17-20, Jn 14:6 Life, 1Jn 5:12)

Through His Love, God will eternally reign.

Being Love, God will restore His universe. (Rev 21:4,5, Rev 22:1-3)

All its citizens will be in complete, willful agreement with God's loving character. (Isa 66:22,23, Rev 22:4)

Sin and its harm and destruction will no longer arise. (Na 1:8-15, Rev 21:22-27)

Forever, we will live in the unity, harmony, order, peace, beauty, and health of God's Love.

True health strengthens every relationship. (Mt 7:12 and Lk 6:31)