
Nutrition is the pillar of maintained health. (Ecc 10:17 first part)

God designed and created the complex systems that make up our body and all the raw materials (nutrients) that they need.

Health is impossible without proper nutrition. (Mt 6:9-13 the Lord's prayer, daily bread)

Bread - "Food in general." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

Nutrients supply the materials to make structures.

Nutrients supply the fuel to perform functions.

True nutrition brings glory to God. (1Co 10:31)

True nutrition integrates physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. (compare Lk 2:52)

Physical nutrition

We need healthy food.

Our material life is in our blood. (Lev 17:11)

Our blood carries essential nutrients throughout our body.

The health of every body cell, organ, and system depends on the contents of our blood.

Healthy blood requires healthy food.

healthy food + pure water => good blood => good health

Most modern diseases are caused by blood issues:

high blood sugar (diabetes)

high blood pressure (hypertension) (primary causes include excess salt and low potassium)

high blood cholesterol (especially LDL) (hypercholesterolemia) (promotes cardiovascular disease)

high blood fat (dyslipidemia, hyperlipidemia)

high blood plaque (atherosclerosis)

high blood toxins (toxic load, blood poisoning, bacteremia)

Healthy food rejuvinates our physical, mental, and spiritual health. (Ps 103:5 renewed youth, Da 1:8-21 pulse and water, significant results after only 10 days)

Pulse - "Leguminous plants or their seeds; the plants whose pericarp is a legume or pod, as beans, peas, etc." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

Types of food nutrients:


carbohydrates, protein, and fat


vitamins and minerals

Our ideal diet is a whole foods, plant-based diet.  Family Meal

Our ideal diet is a whole foods, plant-based diet. (Ge 1:29,31, Ge 1:11,12, Ge 2:9,16,17, Dt 8:7-10, Ps 104:14)

Note that all the animals were originally herbivores. (Ge 1:30)

Designed and prescribed by God, plants are super foods.

In Heaven, our eternal diet will continue to be whole foods, plant-based. (Isa 65:21,22, Rev 2:7, Rev 22:2)

Note that there will be no killing in Heaven. (Isa 11:6-9, Isa 65:25)

Types of plant food:


includes berries, which are small fruits

includes seeds, which are parts of fruits


includes green leafy vegetables



Legumes (beans and peas)

The edible parts of a plant may include its bulbs, flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, stalks, and/or tubers.

Whole, plant-based foods contain fiber.

Fiber is an essential, structural component needed for digestive health.

Fiber nourishes beneficial gut bacteria.

Fiber makes possible the gradual, controlled release of sugars.

Fiber facilitates the healthy movement of food through the digestive organs.

Fiber can bind toxins so they are eliminated, rather than absorbed.

Fiber cleans and conditions the digestive channels.

Animal-based foods do not contain fiber.

Constipation is a result of a lack of fiber.

With constipation, foods stagnate in the digestive tract.

Constipation is a predictor of cancer.

Plants come in many, bright colors.

The different colors are from different beneficial nutrients (phytochemicals).

There are many thousands of known phytochemicals.

Relatively few of them have been studied in depth.

The possibilities of their combined interactions are beyond finite/human investigation/comprehension. (compare Dt 29:29 and Ro 11:33)

Eating from all the colors of the rainbow is a healthful practice.

Many phytochemicals act as antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals and removing their power to create damage.

Plants can be prepared in a variety of ways.

Some are best eaten raw.

Examples: fruits, greens

Others are best cooked.

Examples: beans, grains, potatoes

Others can be eaten raw or cooked.

Examples: carrots, tomatoes

When plants are combined, they complement each other's nutritional value.

Since some vitamins are fat-soluble, combining vegetables / fruits with nuts is a beneficial practice.

Since some plants may lack some essential amino acids, combining complementary proteins is a beneficial practice.

Examples of complimentary proteins:

grains and legumes

grains and nuts/seeds

legumes and nuts/seeds

Consider Ezekiel's bread (Eze 4:9):

wheat, barley, beans, lentiles (lentils), millet, and fitches (small variety of chick-peas)

Fitch - "A chick-pea." (Webster's Dictionary 1828) (compare Isa 28:23-29)

grains (wheat, barley, millet) + legumes (beans, lentiles, fitches)

Complimentary combinations can be supplied at the same meal or across different meals on the same day.

Olive oil is a source of healthy fat.

Healthy fat is needed for the proper structure and function of cell membranes.

Cell membranes import nutrients and export waste products.

Olive oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. (Lev 8:12, Lev 24:2, Ex 27:20, 1Sa 16:13, Zec 4:1-6, Mt 25:1-13, Lk 4:18, Lk 22:39, Ac 10:38, Jas 5:14)

When skillfully combined and prepared, whole, plant-based meals are nutritious and delicious.

Chew food thoroughly for effective nutrient digestion and absorption.

The ideal diet for infants is their own mother's milk, provided the mother, herself, follows the ideal diet. (Ex 2:5-9, Ex 20:5 last part, Isa 11:8,9, Isa 49:15)

After the fall, some plants became poisonous and must not be eaten.

Examples: certain mushrooms, hemlock

The food energy chain is focused on plants.

The sun is the root energy source.


Plants convert sun energy and earth resources to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Plants deposit earth resources as food minerals.


Herbivores obtain nutrients directly/first-hand by eating plants.


Carnivores obtain nutrients indirectly/second-hand by eating other animals.

We see that plants are the original/primary/freshest source of all food nutrients.

Eating live plants is far superior (and safer) than eating dead animals.

There were two, later, compensational diets.

The first compensational diet was prescribed for manual labor (hard work). (Ge 3:17-19)

No longer would humans have the convenience of the Garden of Eden. (Ge 3:23,24)

They must now toil and labor to obtain their food. (Ge 5:29)

The original diet was expanded to include the "herb of the field", which requires hard, manual labor preparing the soil, watering, weeding, protecting, and harvesting.

Having to work hard for something makes one appreciate it.

Relying upon land, rain, and protection from wild beasts and evil people makes one realize their dependence upon God.

The second (and last) compensational diet was due to an emergency event.

The flood had temporarily destroyed all plant life. (Ge 7:17-24)

Noah was instructed to bring seven pairs of each clean animal on the ark. (Ge 7:2)

During the flood emergency, clean animals were allowed to be eaten. (Ge 9:3,4)

After the flood, God gave a guarantee of the restoration and continual availability of plant foods. (Ge 8:22)

After plants were restored, people could return to the original, optimal, live, plant-based diet. (Ge 9:20)

However, many people continued to eat dead animals. (Ge 10:8,9)

For many, the post-flood, provisional diet became a permanent, lifespan diminishing diet.

Some pre-flood lifespans (Ge 5:1-32): Adam (930), Seth (912), Enos (905), Cainan (910), Mahalaleel (895), Jared (962), Enoch (translated at 365), Methuselah (969), Lamech (777)

Some spanning-flood lifespans: (Noah (950 Ge 6:29), Shem (600) Ge 11:10,11)

Some post-flood lifespans (Ge 11:12-32): Arphaxad (438), Salah (433), Eber (464), Peleg (239), Reu (239), Serug (230), Nahor (148), Terah (205), Abram (175 Ge 25:7)

Instead of many centuries, as in pre-flood days, post-flood lifespans eventually diminished to 70-80 years. (Ps 90:10)

This was clearly a cause/effect, choice/consequence development. (Gal 6:7)

Simply because something is allowed/legal does not mean we should do it. (1Co 10:23)

Examples: divorce (Mt 19:8,9), gambling (1Ti 6:10)

One and a half months after their Exodus from Egypt, the people complained for flesh food. (Ex 16:1-3)

Being in the wilderness, God fed them quail that evening and then manna (bread from heaven) in the morning. (Ex 16:4-15)

After that day, only the manna was continued during their entire 40-year wilderness sojourn. (Ex 16:16-35)

However, at a later time, the people again complained for flesh food. (Nu 11:1-10)

In response to their ingratitude, God temporarily provided their request, but this time the instigators ate to their destruction. (Nu 11:18-34, Ps 78:17-40)

Modern diets are grossly lacking in healthy food.

Refined foods are stripped of their natural, nutritionally rich fiber.

Processed foods are loaded with excessive sugar, salt, and harmful chemical additives.

Modern diets include many dangerous foods that the Bible declares as unclean/unfit for consumption.

We need healthy water.

We need healthy water. (Ex 23:25, Dt 8:7, Pr 5:15, Isa 43:19,20, Isa 58:11, Da 1:12)

Water provides bodily structure.

Water is the predominate constituent of most body systems.

Water facilitates bodily functions.

Water is used for nutrient transportation, energy production, and waste elimination.

Water lubricates, thus enabling, our movement machinery.

The body rations (selectively distributes) water according to criticality of function.

Modern lifestyles are grossly lacking in healthy water.

Many water sources are contaminated.

We need healthy air.

We need healthy air. (Ge 2:7, 1Ki 17:17, Ps 104:29, Ps 146:4, Isa 42:5, Eze 37:5,9,10, Ac 17:24,25)

We need to breath deeply, rather than shallowly.

Country air is better than city air.

Outdoor air is better than indoor air.

Proper posture benefits breathing.

Physical activity benefits breathing.

Walking in natural areas benefits breathing.

Modern lifestyles are grossly lacking in healthy air.

The air near large cities is polluted.

We need healthy sunlight.

We need healthy sunlight. (Ps 74:16, Ecc 11:7, Jer 31:35, Mt 5:45)

Sunlight promotes healthy sleep.

Sunlight kills harmful germs.

Sunlight is our source of vitamin D, which is needed for bone health.

Sunlight strengthens our immune system.

Sunlight enhances our mood.

Modern lifestyles are grossly lacking in healthy sunlight.

A predominance of indoor work and living results in solar malnourishment.

God provides our physical nutrition.

God provides our physical nutrition. (Ge 1:31, Php 4:19, Jas 1:17)

Each nutrient requires its whole, supporting / augmenting environment in which God skillfully created it.

Nutrients cannot be extracted / coerced out / isolated from their supporting contexts without negative effects.

Dietary supplements are not true nutrients.

Nutraceuticals are not true nutrients.

There is more to nutrition than physical nourishment. (Pr 15:13, Pr 17:22, Pr 23:7 first part, 1Ti 4:8)

Mental nutrition

We need God's word.  Family Bible Study

God's word is needed mental nutrition. (Dt 8:3, Mt 4:4, Pr 4:20-22, Jer 6:19, Am 8:11-14, 1Th 2:13, Jas 1:21)

We need to prayerfully study God's word. (Isa 28:9,10, 2Ti 2:15)

We need to prayerfully contemplate (meditate on) God's word. (Jos 1:8, Ps 119:148, Heb 4:12)

We need to prayerfully contemplate (meditate on) God's law. (Hos 4:6, Heb 8:10,11, Heb 10:16)

We need to prayerfully contemplate (meditate on) God's goodness. (Jas 1:17, Mk 10:17,18, Php 4:8)

We need to understand God's word. (Hab 2:2, Mt 24:15, Ac 8:30,31)

We need to assimilate God's word. (Ps 119:11, Ro 12:2, 2Co 3:18, Eph 5:25-27)

Assimilate - "To bring to a likeness; to cause to resemble." (Webster's Dictionary 1828)

We need to do God's word. (Lk 11:28, Jn 7:17, Jas 1:22)

We need God's pure word, not "refined" or "processed" versions of it. (Dt 4:2, Ps 12:6,7, Pr 30:5,6, Rev 22:18,19)

We need God's guidance.

We need God's guidance. (Pr 3:5,6, Pr 16:9, Jn 4:34)

There is more to nutrition than mental nourishment. (Mt 6:19-21, Mt 6:31-33, Col 2:2,3)

Spiritual nutrition

We need to connect with God through prayer.

We need to maintain our prayerful connection throughout each day. (Isa 1:18, Lk 11:1-4, 1Th 5:17)

We need to pray regularly three times a day. (Da 6:10, Ps 55:17)

We need to pray in the morning. (Ps 5:3, Pr 8:17, Mk 1:34,35)

We need to pray thankfully before each meal. (Mt 15:36, 1Th 5:18)

We need to pray daily in the family circle. (Pr 22:6, Eph 6:4 last part)  Family Prayer

We need to pray for others. (Col 1:9 first part, 1Ti 2:1, Jas 5:14,15)

We also benefit from praying with others. (Mt 18:20)  Family in Prayer Meeting

We need to pray in harmony with God's will. (Jas 4:1-3)

We need the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit teaches us truth. (Jn 14:26, Jn 16:13)

The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual understanding. (Jn 16:13,14, 1Co 2:12-14, Col 1:9 last part)

The Holy Spirit comforts us. (Jn 16:7)

The Holy Spirit prays for us. (Ro 8:26)

The Holy Spirit protects us. (1Jn 4:4)

The Holy Spirit imbues us with the fruits of the Spirit. (Ro 14:17, Gal 5:22,23, Eph 5:9)

We are to think, live, and walk in the Spirit. (Isa 30:21, Ro 8:6, Gal 5:25)

We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. (Lk 4:1, Ac 13:52, Eph 5:18)

The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey God. (Ac 5:32)

Through the Holy Spirit we are connected with Christ. (Jn 3:5, Ro 8:9)

We need Jesus.

Jesus is our Spiritual Food. (Jn 6:32-35, Jn 6:48-58, 1Co 11:23,24)

Jesus is our Spiritual Drink. (Ps 42:1,2, Ps 63:1, Isa 12:3, Jer 2:13, Jer 17:13, Joel 3:18, Zec 14:8, Jn 4:10,13,14, Jn 6:35 last part, Jn 7:37,38, 1Co 10:4, 1Co 11:23,25, Rev 7:16,17, Rev 21:6, Rev 22:1,17)

Jesus is our Spiritual Air. (Jn 3:8 wind, Jn 20:22 breath, 2Ti 3:16 inspiration).

Jesus is our Spiritual Light (Ps 84:11, Mal 4:2, Jn 1:9, Jn 8:12, 2Co 3:14-16, 1Jn 1:5, Rev 12:1).

We need an intimate relationship with Jesus. (Jer 29:13, Mt 11:28-30, Jn 14:6, Jn 17:3)

We need to follow Jesus. (Lk 5:27, Lk 9:23, Lk 9:58-600, Lk 18:22-24, Jn 1:43, Jn 10:27, Jn 12:26, Jn 21:17-19, 1Jn 2:6)

True health is nourished by Jesus. (Jn 15:4,5)